Believe real wellness is possible!



Sick & tired of feeling sick & tired?

Do any of these describe you?

  • Chronic pain or exhaustion

  • Migraines and headaches

  • IBS, constipation, heartburn or other digestive issues

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Food cravings


I’m Rebecca!

I believe there is real help and hope for your health!

I’m here to help you get to the root of your health issue and personalize a plan for you to obtain optimum health!

What People are Saying


I had spent years, more than 30, seeking medical help …

I first met Rebecca at a conference …… designed to help pastors and their wives relax and revive. It was a great conference, but it wasn't relaxing for me. My problem was that I enjoyed the delicious food and it made me sick. I was bloated, fog-brained and moody. In addition, my joints hurt and I had painful, open wound skin lesions breaking out on my palms. As bad as it sounds, these conditions were normal for me. I had spent years, more than 30, seeking medical help for these symptoms. I sought help from allergists, general practitioners, dermatologists and rheumatologists, all with limited results. Three of these doctors over time had indicated that the problem could be food related, but none could give me a detailed plan of how to move forward with an effective diet plan. After finding out that Rebecca worked as a nutritionist, I decided to give the Life Root Nutrition program a try. I am so blessed that I did!

I have been on the program for a little over 3 months now and the results are life-changing. I have little or no joint pain; it has been reduced to occasional stiffness only. I am free from stomach problems and fog-brain! My physical and mental energy have greatly improved. My skin is at least 95% improved and no longer hurts. Even better, I lost 15 pounds without going hungry! Rebecca has let me know that it takes at least 6 months to get the full benefits of the program, so I am so happy to know that I am not done receiving healing and wellness from food. This is not a temporary diet. It is a life change towards good health. I recommend her services at the highest level. - Teresa T.

When I came in to see Rebecca - I was so sick that I couldn’t drive myself in ...

I was very discouraged because I couldn't even drink water without my stomach hurting. I felt nauseated most of the time and I was barely able to eat anything. After the test results came back, Rebecca started me out on certain foods that were "safe" for me. As I followed the diet, I felt stronger and had less pain and nausea. As more time went on, I was able to eat more and more foods and I felt more energetic than I had felt in years. I really appreciate Rebecca's knowledge and kindness when I was feeling so sick. She helped me greatly. - Loye R


How Does it Work?


Consultation Call

We will discuss your goals, determine whether or not I can genuinely help you and establish if we are a good fit. I’ll gather the information I need in order to point you in the right direction of my services.


Diagnostic Testing

Starting with specialized testing prevents wasting time on guessing and checking. We’ll gather the data we need to know how your body is working and how we can change your diet and lifestyle to get you moving toward your goals the fastest. I’m not here to waste your time or mine.


Customized Program

Based on the data from your lab testing and the information gathered in our in-depth first session, I will design a program customized to your unique body, physiology, goals and challenges.


Support & Coaching

I may be a nutrition and integrative wellness expert but you are the expert of YOU. When we come together toward a common goal incredible things happen. My goal is for you to feel amazing and reach your goals. I also want you to feel empowered and confident to continue supporting your body through food and lifestyle.

Book Your Free Consultation

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.