Testing Protocols


The MRT blood test analyzes the release of inflammatory mediators in response to 170 different foods and chemicals. This helps us pinpoint what foods/chemicals may be triggering inflammatory reactions in your body and allows me to utilize the LEAP protocol to build a customized anti-inflammatory eating plan specific to your body instead of blindly pulling foods out. We will also reintroduce foods as quickly as possible to be able to liberalize your diet and get back to eating normally long term. To learn more about MRT, click here.


DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. This test is an analysis of hormones, hormone metabolites and organic acids that provides the most in-depth look at your production and metabolism of hormones in your body. This test gives us insight into how stress is impacting your health. It can show us your androgen metabolism, your estrogen and progesterone production, as well as a number of nutritional and organic acid markers. For more information about the DUTCH Plus hormone test, click here.


The micronutrient blood test is a functional assessment of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants looking at both the serum blood levels and your intracellular levels which give us a better overall picture of nutritional status. Blood serum levels are a static measure of what is in your blood at any given time and is helpful for assessing baseline micronutrient levels. Intracellular levels are what are found inside your red and white blood cells and give us a better picture of whether the micronutrients are getting absorbed into the cells to promote optimal functioning of the cells. It is important to understand that, even though you may be consuming an adequate or healthy diet or supplements, your cellular intake levels of those nutrients may not be sufficient and may still provide risks for deficiencies and the disorders associated with them. From this report, we can customize a diet and supplement plan for you to support your overall health and vitality. To learn more about micronutrient testing, click here.


GI-MAP (stool test) – this test looks at both beneficial and dysbiotic flora, gut pathogens and several GI health markers that will give insight into gut immune function, inflammation and even gluten reactivity. Knowing how integrally related our gut health is for overall health and vitality, it is very helpful to take a look at what's going on in the gut. Besides gastrointestinal symptoms, an unhealthy gut can impact our mood and focus, energy, cognitive health, hormone balance, joint and muscle pain and can be a major root cause of many illnesses including numerous autoimmune conditions. To learn more about GI MAP, click here.


Vibrant Organic Acids Panel – Organic acids panels test for the organic acids in urine that are byproducts of daily cellular metabolism. Based on known metabolic pathways and enzyme-cofactor requirements, these organic acid markers can provide great insights in discovering underlying causes of chronic symptoms. Organic acids testing can aid in the detection of imbalances, toxicity, and inflammation. The panel includes 11 subpanels and provides accurate evaluation of intestinal microbial overgrowth, detoxification, and inborn errors of metabolism. A complete package of Vibrant Organic Acids Panel and Vibrant Micronutrients will provide an overall picture of the patient’s whole nutrition foundation and aid the provider in intervention choices. Alongside other diagnostic testing, organic acids profiles complete the clinical picture of root causes and guide practitioners in developing the most individual and effective intervention.


If you are looking to up-level your health and reduce your risk for chronic disease, understanding your genetic make-up is an important step in the right direction. Most people are making health decisions based on generalized recommendations without ever truly understanding their body. Your health is too important for a one-size fits all approach. Every health decision you make should be personalized for you and your unique body. The journey to taking control of your health begins with understanding your body. Genetic testing empowers you to do that.

Genetics make up the baseline “code” by which your body functions. The impact of every single choice you make throughout your life is influenced by your personal genetic makeup. The 3X4 lab tests over 134 genes that can impact many systems and biochemical pathways in your body including the following: detoxification, cellular health, regeneration and aging, inflammation, fitness, weight management, hormones, neurological health and even response to your diet and supplements.

It is also important to recognize that genes do not work in isolation- they work with each other and the body’s environment. What we eat, how we move, our stress levels and our emotional lives affect how our genes behave. By gaining an understanding of your unique genetic make-up and personal biochemistry in conjunction with your personal health history, diet and nutrient intake, environmental and social and emotional factors, we can design a tailor-fit diet and lifestyle plan to help guide you in making important personal decisions that will support your optimal health and well being.    


A healthy gut microbiome with the proper microbial balance of beneficial verses pathogenic microbes is foundational to good health. When this balance is disrupted, this leads to gut dysbiosis, increased likelihood of pathogenic infections, poor gut barrier function and, compromised immune health. When we have poor gut barrier function, the immune system can mount an attack leading to a chronic inflammatory state which often results in systemic symptoms such as many skin issues, digestive disorders, joint and muscle pain, arthritis, headaches, chronic fatigue, allergies, etc. Likewise, our gut microbiome influences hormone balance, immune health, production of micronutrients and neurotransmitters which impact focus, attention, anxiety, depression and sleep, and ultimately impacts our disease risk.

The BiomeFX test uses the most advanced and accurate whole genome sequencing technology to explore some of the inner functions of the gut microbiome related to health risk. The test evaluates for a number of pathogenic microbes as well as keystone strains crucial to help maintain microbial balance. The test also evaluates the overall strength and resilience of the microbiome and some of the metabolic functions that rely on the gut microbiome. These insights, help us to design a customized road map using actionable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations to produce a healthier, stronger more resilient microbial environment, reduce pathogenic occurrence, restore gut barrier function and support good immune health that can leads to optimal health, vitality and better quality of life.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.